Our Capabilities

Our engineering design consultants create innovative solutions to complex projects

We are engineering design consultants offering total solutions custom-designed for the nature of your business.


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning — known as HVAC — is the art of creating comfortable and healthy indoor environments that support everything that happens within a building.

At Jacksons Engineering, we specialise in creating breakthrough HVAC solutions designed around a client’s specific needs, to create the right indoor climate for all end users of a building, no matter what the application.


A well-designed and engineered building provides clean water everywhere it’s needed, at an appropriate temperature and pressure. Installing and correctly managing the right hydraulic systems can contribute to time and energy savings, greatly improve usability, and provide a better environment for your building’s end users.

At Jackson’s Engineering, hydraulics is an area where we bring a wealth of experience and expertise. From the simple to the spectacular, including an underwater hotel, we’ve tackled them all.

Electrical and electronic systems design

A modern building has more and more uses for electricity than ever before. As the uses and demand increase, so does the complexity of power supply and management. That’s why we make it a major focus for our business.

At Jackson’s Engineering, we use our extensive experience and knowledge to design, deploy and maintain all kinds of electrical and electronics systems that contribute to the liveability of your building.

